Salaries and job satisfaction in cardiology: 8 takeaways from a new survey of cardiologists and their colleagues

Cardiology cardiologist compensation salary survey nurses service line managers billing

The 2023 Cardiovascular Business Salary and Job Satisfaction Report is here! We surveyed cardiologists, interventional cardiologists, nurses, service line mangers, coders and others in the industry about several topics, including compensation, burnout, EHRs and much more.

New ‘zero-contrast’ TAVR technique shows promise in pilot study

No contrast transcatheter aortic valve replacement

TAVR with zero-contrast strategy using the self-expandable Evolut R/Pro THV in patients with chronic kidney disease. Images courtesy of Freire et al. and Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine.

Researchers think this new technique could be beneficial for patients presenting with both severe symptomatic aortic stenosis and chronic kidney disease.