No echocardiography, no problem? AI evaluates cardiac function using chest X-rays

Artificial intelligence (AI) model using chest x-rays to evaluate cardiac function

Left: Chest radiograph / Right: Visualization of the grounds for the AI's judgment. Image and caption courtesy of Daiju Ueda, MD, PhD, and Osaka Metropolitan University.

Researchers think their new AI model could be especially helpful in areas where qualified physicians and/or ultrasound technology are in short supply.

PaceMate cardiac remote monitoring solution with Epic EHR integration improves financial, clinical and operational outcomes at MUSC

Dr. Kroman Video

Dr. Kroman, DO, PhD, cardiac electrophysiologist and director of the lead management program at Medical University of South Carolina, speaks about the PaceMate system as an integral part of her device clinic and overall lead management. She expressed the benefit of using the data-rich PaceMateLIVE platform to inform her lead management and research program.