June 2012

Planning for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) involves many specialties, including imaging. In imaging, work-up from diagnosis to post-procedure relies heavily on echocardiography, but CT and fluoroscopy also play a routine role in pre- and intra-TAVR planning.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released its national coverage determination for transcatheter aortic valve replacement procedures in May, including requirements for reimbursement. But the question remains whether the financial reward is worth the cost of participation.

Several vascular surgery codes have undergone changes and more coding modifications will occur this year. With the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) moving toward bundled payments, vascular surgeons are facing dwindling reimbursement. How can they ensure adequate payments? Teri Romano, RN, MBA, a consultant at Karen Zupko & Associates in Chicago, provides tips.

Cardiac PET has always taken a backseat to SPECT imaging in terms of volume. But, whether it is the quality of PET images or recent technetium-99m isotope shortages, more providers are giving PET a second look. Before committing, they need to consider the financial and practical challenges of introducing a cardiac PET program.

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston joined the ranks of many heart centers marketing to a female audience with the launch of a womens cardiovascular program. Is this merely a phase or a trend that will last?

The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) began its 33rd annual scientific sessions in early May in Boston, offering a four-day event packed with presentations. Device failure and patient management took center stage in several sessions. Here are some highlights.

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